Saturday, February 23, 2008

Twisted Branches

Twisted Branches is a short impact books designed to bring awareness into the lives of children living in an environment of drugs and crime. It is a short story of a year in the life of a four year old girl whose mother is drawn into the world of darkness.

This book does not judge the mother because she could be anyone.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

I have asked myself many times how we as a society can begin to address this problem and keep coming back to the only one true answer. Prayer and salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ. In order to save the children, we must first save the mothers because they are the ones raising our children and teaching them the things which will follow them into their adult lives. With no foundation in the Word of God, these mothers and children are tossed to and fro as a ship in a stormy sea with no anchor to hold them fast.

If you are living in a situation like this and can't find your way out of the darkness, remember that if you will take a step toward God, he will take a step toward you. God loves all his children including you no matter what your situation or what you have done in the past. Come to God. He is waiting.

This book has impacted so many people in different ways that I thought it would be nice to have a place where these people could come together and talk with each other.

Melissa Dodd

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